Tuesday, September 30, 2008

no leaving day

country, is what i live in. and what they call pleasing, to the ears, and to the feet, so firmly planted within the unfortunate reaction to human nature. why, is it that the one that i have chosen to call myself is experiencing an alternate influx of fact, one so touched by power that it would, hopefully, have anyone realizing the same. hope, obviously no longer deserves a place in the mind of the reasonable.what can a reasonable being do in a land so that reflects, a seemingly increasing opposite image of itself. with every effort made to employ logic, the employee becomes worse.
How about a perfectly sensible sentence?
does nothing, a perfect example of the dilemma previously mentioned in ramble. i hope that solutions do not resemble the physical realm. if so, doing the opposite should prove effective
i should not have to describe what my words are suggesting. it is not laziness, but a fear, and a desire to repress what brings about the fright. but, the solution seems to be to forget logic, reason and intelligence. logic makes no sense to the illogical, the unreasonable can not be reasoned with, and the uneducated... won't know what i was going to say.

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